Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Meeting Four

GV Daily Lesson Plan

Student Name: Alisha Sinclair                               Course Title; Semester: EDUC 324; Spring 2013


Title of Lesson: Describing Main Characters   Total Lesson Time: 30 minutes                      

Grade(s): 5th Grade                                          Subject Area: Reading Comprehension          


This lesson is part of a unit over working with a struggling reader._____________________


Curriculum Standard(s):

 Iowa Core/District/ National
Key Ideas and Details
•RL.3.3. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.


Learning Objectives and How Assessed:

Learning Objective(s)
Assessment Plan
Student will be able to:
1. Read words with long “U” sounds and long “O” sounds.
2. Describe Annie and Jack, the two main characters out of the book Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne.
1. Student will complete word sort provided
2. Student will read the first two chapters from Dinosaurs Before Dark. The student will then complete a character visualization worksheet.


Content Outline of the Lesson:                                   Materials Needed:

What is the subject content or skill you will be teaching?
I will be teaching character characteristics. By helping the student describe/visualize the characters, I’m hoping it will help with their comprehension skills.
Word Sort
Dinosaurs Before Dark
Character Consideration


Lesson Procedures:
Differentiation (Adaptations for Diverse Learners, ELL, Gifted)
1. Activate Prior Knowledge/Introduction
We will begin the session by working on a long
vowel word sort. The word sort will contain
words with long “O” and long “U” sounds. She
will be able to begin this task immediately because
we have worked with word sorts before. 
2.Explicit/Direct Instruction
Once we finish the word sort we will discuss her
performance. We will go over where she placed
the words and if they are sorted correctly. Once
we have successfully completed this task, the
student will read the first two chapters out of
Dinosaurs Before Dark. While the student is
reading we will stop and discuss what is
happening in the text. I will help guide the
discussion by providing prompts, such as think
alouds and asking questions.
3. Guided Practice
During the reading I will encourage the reader to provide at least two think alouds and one question. We will discuss how being able to visualize the characters in the book helps us as readers. We will talk about the different benefits of being able to visualize characters and events in text that we read. Such as it helps with comprehension.
4. Independent Practice
The student will be asked to fill out a character visualization worksheet. If the child is having trouble I will prompt her by asking questions about the characters in the text. If more help is needed I will guide her through the worksheet.
I will ask her what her thoughts are about the chapters we have read thus far. I will have her make a prediction of what she thinks is going to happen in the next chapter. The struggling reader will write this prediction down on lined paper. We will look at this prediction when we meet next. 
5 min
9 min
5-7 min
8 min
3 min


References/Work Cited:



Reflection on Student Learning:

While completing the word sort the reader mixed up a few long “O” and long “U” words. While she sorted the words I observed her actions. Once she told me she was finished I had her explain how she sorted the words. Her answer was that she sorted the words by the vowel sound. Together we read through the words. While we read through the words I asked questions when we came to words that weren’t in the correct spot. Such as, how did we pronounce that word? Followed by, so what type of vowel sound does that word have? After we put all the words into the correct category and discussed why each word was either in the long “O” category or the long “U” category I had her complete a different long “O” long “U” word sort. She completed this word sort with a higher level of success. Once the second word sort was completed and discussed there wasn’t much time left in our session. To end our session I gave the reader the book Dinosaurs Before Dark. I had her explore the book for 30 seconds. I then asked her what she thought the book was going to be about. After we talked about her prediction I asked her what helped her make this prediction. She told me the cover of the book. I then had her write her prediction down. This way we can look at her prediction next time we meet and while we continue to read Dinosaurs Before Dark. Today I learned that lessons do not always go as planned. As a teacher, you need to be flexible, and you need to be able to tweak your lessons on the spot to best meet the needs of your students. 

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