Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Meeting One

During my first visit with my struggling reader I had her take an interest inventory and a spelling inventory. She also read a short book of choice. By having my student complete the interest inventory I was able to learn more about her. Through this inventory I discovered that she enjoys reading books at school during free time. However, when she is at home she feels okay about reading. She informed me that she does not read at home. This student does not like reading in a group or out loud. She would prefer to read independently. The type of books she enjoys reading are ones that are action packed/ adventurous. One thing I found interesting is that she likes to work on puzzles when she is by herself. I'm hoping I will be able to create a lesson that incorporates some type of puzzle activity. I learned that her favorite subject in school is math. Knowing this I may try and find some books that incorporate math.

Interest Inventory

After she completed the interest inventory we moved on to the spelling inventory. By observing her I could clearly see that she struggles with spelling. Once I checked her test I discovered she starts struggling with the common long vowels. By incorporating word sorts and other activities I'm hoping I can help strengthen her ability to spell. By increasing her spelling ability I believe this will also help her reading.
Lastly, the student read me a short book of her choice. Once she finished I asked her if she could tell me what the story was about. She then looked at me with a blank stare. I'm not sure if she was confused or if she did not know how to begin. To help guide her I started asking questions about the text. Once I did this she was able to tell me what the text was about. She just needed the extra prompt. While listening to her read I also noticed that she mixed up words that looked similar. This is one thing we are going to work in our future meetings.

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